Dandelion Breakfast Hash

One of the most deliciously accessible introductions to weed-eating can begin with the prolific dandelion, Taraxacum officinale. This polarizing Asteraceae family member (relative of so many medicinal composite flower plants such as echinacea and yarrow) is either loved or hated, but indisputably known by all. Eating "weeds," and other common greens can be an excellent way to introduce wild foods into the diet, which are often denser in minerals and nutrients than their cultivated cousins. However, dandelion greens have grown in edible popularity enough that they are readily available at many grocery stores, and I recommend purchasing the greens when you don't have time to forage in a wild area free of chemicals and pesticides. Feel free to eat all parts of the dandelion straight out of your personal garden, so long as you trust the soil quality, but foraging greens from public sidewalks may contain undesirable chemical additives from the soil. 

While all parts of the dandelion are edible, the leaves - featured in this recipe - have a particular affinity for the urinary system. In addition to lessening water retention in the body, the bitterness of the leaves stimulates bile production, helping the body to break down the food it takes in and better assimilate nutrients.

To make this savory breakfast hash (which can also easily be consumed for lunch or dinner), you will need: 

  • 2 diced potatoes, any type (I used one red and one sweet potato)
  • butter or oil (I used avocado oil)
  • 1/4 cup chopped onion
  • 2 cloves minced garlic
  • 1 cup chopped dandelion greens
  • Splash of apple cider vinegar
  • 2 eggs (local or certified human, pasture-raised) OR top with avocado to make this dish plant-based
  • optional toppings; parsley, green onions, feta cheese, flax seeds, etc.
  • salt and pepper


  1. Get your potatoes crispy. I did this by tossing them in a bowl with a small amount of avocado oil and salt, and then putting them in my air fryer for 25 minutes at 400℉. You can also cook your potatoes by laying them on a baking sheet and cooking in an oven at 450℉ for around 40 minutes, making sure to turn over halfway through baking. Everything else can be prepared while the potatoes are crispin.'
  2. Heat up your butter/oil in a pan on a burner over medium heat and add your diced onions. Make sure to keep the onions moving in the skillet to keep from burning.
  3. Once the onions have cooked for about 3 minutes, add in your dandelion greens and garlic. Add a splash of vinegar to cut the bitterness of the leaves during this step. Sauté till greens are tender.
  4. Remove the dandelion/onion/garlic mixture, or use a separate skillet to prepare two eggs to your liking. I am a pretty committed over-easy fan, myself. 
  5. Plate your deliciously crispy potatoes, add the dandelion/onion/garlic mixture, and top it all with your eggs.
  6. Finally, add anything else you want! Salt and pepper, obviously. Hot sauce, other herbs, cheese, guacamole, salsa... endless possibilities. Personally, I topped this dish with fresh parsley, which is a powerful medicinal herb itself!

As you can imagine, this is a hearty, savory meal that would probably work just as well for dinner as breakfast. Dandelion greens are one of the most accessible ways to integrate foraged and wild foods into our diet. Feeling more like a part of the earth and not a displaced observer is one of the driving forces in my personal life, and, for me, eating the hardy "weeds" that grow beneath my feet is one of the simplest ways to connect to the greater world beyond my head. 

1 comment

  • Well I never thought about eating them weeds…. I see my whole yard a bit differently now


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